Monday, September 24, 2007

Ahhh, Sweet Freedom

My two girls are both in school right now. The oldest in Pre-K and the youngest, in a day care. (we call it school) Gabbie will be going to day care 2 days a week to start, Mondays and Thursdays. It's 9am and I have till 5pm to have a real 8-hour work day. Gosh, I feel so lucky to be able to love working, and from home at that! My to-do list is getting complete as we speak! Write Blog: CHECK!

Other To-Do's today include: organize leads (recruits and parties), make about 10 calls, get training schedule going for my first level, clean and organize office area, eat right (yeah, I'm on a diet), work on Prince's biz website, organize and file personal paperwork.

Off to "work"...LOL!! I LOVE IT!