Thursday, February 12, 2009

WAHM Community

If you didn't know, the big and active message board at has been sold. Well, actually the whole site has been sold to Internet Brands, an Internet media company. The whole thing is just WEIRD considering that pretty much all work at home mom sites are run by, well, WORK AT HOME MOMS!!!! IB is deleting negative posts left and right that express opinions against their practices. The board won't be the same for long! I actually predict a really big change to the entire site soon. Not too sure of how good a thing it will be. I imagine advertising rates will be through the roof that maybe .5% of wahm's can actually afford. OUCH.

I have joined a great new community with a variety of interesting, fun and helpful boards.

Here is the link! I am a moderator of the Adult Party Plan folder, so come on in and have a chat!!