Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Little Pick Me Up ~ For Your Relationship!

When you get home from work tonight, give your bedroom a sexy makeover! Take just 20 minutes to clear out the clutter. Make sure your bedroom is a peaceful place, free of excess books, magazine, nail clippers and junk. Put your clothes away, so the focus is your beautiful bed and not the chaos of day-to-day life. Put fresh sheets on the bed. Arrange some new lighting options, like a bedside lamp rather than overhead lighting. Put pillar candles in tall vases or jars so they can create ambiance and not be a fire hazard. And finally have your safer sex supplies, lube and toys in a clean container where they are easy to access and ready to use!

And of course, you know I am a Pleasure Expert! If you need any more inspiration, just give me call!